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Evaluating My Direction

My studies have spiralled out of control a bit lately because I have been running in too many different directions. Building a new programming language from the ground up is a lot bigger job than I should be taking on right now. I think it is conceptually a good idea, but a bit too specific to take on right now. My schooling needs to be general enough to be widely applicable with manageable project goals.
So, stepping back a bit, I need to refocus on my primary tasks right now.
  1. Network+: I have begun to work through the Network+ manual and I think I should be ready for the exam in about 3 months.
  2. Assembly Language: I have worked through "Professional Assembly Language" (Blum 2005), and have come up with a small practical project to implement in assembly language. I will be working on a command-line programmable RPN calculator, details to follow.
  3. Writing: The MIT open courseware is not heading in the right direction since it only has the assignments online. I think I need something that provides more of a framework of how and what I should be trying to accomplish.
  4. Linear Algebra: I have begun the MIT video course on Linear Algebra (18.06) and I think the video series is a good way to engage with the material. It's interesting how differently we learn from lectures vs. learning from books. I have always thought that I learn better by reading, but there is a certain way that we learn how to work through a problem when we participate in working through the problem with a teacher.

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